Saturday, November 12, 2016

You Asked for Change--You're Gonna Get It!

Donald Trump was elected President because the majority of the people wanted change.  Well, you’re gonna get it! 

I could put on a happy face and tell you how everything is going to be great and wonderful.  I could say all the things you want to hear to make you feel better about this election. That would be disingenuous.  That’s not who I am.  The truth is, I do not believe the change you voted for will ultimately be the change you sought. 

I get that you didn’t like President Obama, but he is an honorable man and has been a role model for our children.  I get that many of you did not like Michelle Obama, as well.  She wore a dress that bared her arms and was castigated.  The future First Lady’s pictures are all over the Internet posing nude, full frontal.  Melania Trump, by anyone’s old standards, would not be considered an honorable woman.  She is now being compared to Jackie Kennedy.  That’s an insult to Jackie O’s memory.  We used to be a moralistic country at heart.  Is this the change you wanted?

In past elections, such as when Republicans Ronald Reagan and the two Bush’s were elected, I awoke the next morning at peace with the decision America made.  These were honorable men and the policies they supported were not extreme and did not threaten our democracy.  I awoke the morning after this election with a knot in my stomach that will not go away. 

Trump is not an honorable man.  Honorable men do not disrespect and threaten entire races of people and religions.  Honorable men do not brag about sexually assaulting women.  Honorable men do not mock handicapped people and belittle Gold Star families.  Honorable men don’t have 55 lawsuits pending when they are elected.   Thanks to Trump, our country has a new standard for hypocrisy and pathological liars.  By electing Trump President, you put your stamp of approval on him and changed the meaning of what it means to be an honorable man and consequently changed our America.  Is that the change you voted for?

Speaker Paul Ryan, emboldened by Trump’s election, said today, “Medicare privatization is happening!”  He claims that will be part of the replacement of Obamacare.  He falsely claims that Medicare Trust Fund is going broke.  On the contrary, the Trust Fund has been extended an additional eleven years because of Obamacare.  Is this the change you wanted when you voted?

When I look at Trump’s probable cabinet picks, my angina kicks in.  Do you consider Rudy Giuliani a change?  He’s a man driven by hate and revenge and made a living off being Mayor during 911.  Is Chris Christy the change you wanted?  What about Newt Gringrich?  He’s been there, done that, and been rejected.  And Sarah Palin, she gives all women a bad name.  General Michael Flynn running anything in our Government?  He works for Russian television.  He’s not even qualified to pass the US’s standards for a security clearance.  Admittedly, we do need a brain surgeon on staff, i.e. Dr. Ben Carson. I won’t even list the alt-right, fringe flame-throwers in line to shape our new, yes new, country.  But, is that the change you wanted?  All of these people and many more are in the basket of deplorables. 

I know most of you will shrug me off as an ignorant lib-tard (or worse) and claim I speak from sour grapes.  Call me what you want, but call me “Scared.”  In fact, I’ve never known so much fear in my life.  I am not afraid for myself but for my children, grandchildren, and all the people Trump has marginalized, including all women.  These are my emotions and I have the right to have them.  I will not “change” because you voted for “change.”  We all have to suffer from the consequences of Tuesday’s decision and that puts us all in the same boat, but not in the same basket.


  1. Marilyn- I am also blogging from your side of the equation! so glad someone pointed you out to me.

  2. Good to meet you. It gets lonely out here.

  3. Love you! You keep telling it like it is!

  4. I'm wondering how these same people are going to feel when we lose social security, medicare, and medicaid (just for starters). How are they going to feel when we get into armed conflicts where their sons and daughters are sent into the firefight because someone tweeted something about the President-elect that he doesn't like. I'm scared, too.

    1. Somehow Trump will manage to cast blame on Democrats or other innocent Americans.

  5. Who is comparing Melania Trump to Jackie O? They're insane!! Trump is a gold-digging, totally classless, plagiarizing, undocumented illegal worker with a complete lack of self-awareness. How else would she be stupid enough to make a speech against cyber-bullying when she's married to the biggest cyber bully of all? She looked dumb as a brick making that speech and didn't have sense enough to know it. And the pundits suggested that maybe she was making a start at home. Please. As for the full frontal, don't we remove Ms. America contestants and winners from their positions when those kinds of pics are discovered from their past? But it's okay for First Lady? Obviously, we'll have to come up with a new name for that position because she certainly is unqualified to fill that role. How about First WTF? As to Trump himself, how can anyone not stand up to what he is so proud of being? Don't we teach our children NOT to say what he says or do what he does? I don't care what anyone's political beliefs are, we should always stand up to his kind of horrible behavior. He's an abomination. Of course, we're frightened. He's everything we were taught NOT to be. Everything we abhor. Everything America stands against. Anyone who held their nose and voted for him anyway is in for a rude awakening, IF they are capable of waking up and engaging in some serious self-analysis. They're self-serving closeted racists and bigots and need some serious self-evaluation. One thing I've learned here in Republican country is that Republicans are generally (not always) mean-spirited people. They have no empathy for anyone who is going through something they don't "approve" of UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO THEM. Then they jump on the bandwagon and take it on as a personal cause, because it finally serves them. As to the whole debacle, it's our job to stop evil in its tracks whenever we encounter it. We can only hope that the electorates understand their job description and make the call that they should. But don't get me started. Thanks for speaking up when most would hold you down.

    1. Wow! Thanks, I needed that! You summed it up so well.

  6. Another right-on column, Marilyn. It's going to be a very rough four years. I loved your last line!

  7. definetly unbalanced.

  8. If liberals don't like Trump, they ha e no one to blame but themselves. By putting forward a disingenuous candidate who claims to care about the poor and takes money from Wall Street, who claims to care about working class people, but didn't have time to reach out to them, who claims to care about mexicans but refused an invitation to speak with their president, who claims we will be 'stronger together' then calls Americans deplorable and irredeemable. Did you expect people to vote for her when she lied over and over about important issues? Is she a champion for women when she can't even criticize her own womanizing husband? The democratic party became smug and complacent, just like the republicans....they assumed average Americans were just too stupid to see the massive corruption going on and too weak to respond to the constant demonization of the majority of Americans.
    So if you don't like Donald Trump, look no further than your own chosen politicians and their behavior and complete arrogance and disdain for average Americans.

    1. Like my Mama used to tell me, "Be careful what you ask for."

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  11. The fear is real and getting "realer" every day since the election. It's like a runaway train coming at us and we're on a bridge with no options. I fear and feel our country and what America stands for unraveling before our eyes.
    Wiith total control of the country in the hands of Trump and his sycophants, there is no way government agencies can control or challenge anything trump would do that cannot be challenged or controlled by his administration and or congress. Where are the checks and balances?
    Tonight the head of the ACLU, a non gov't. entity, stated they have lawsuits started against the incoming administration on a number of fronts.
    I smiled for the first time in many days....a NON GOVERNMENT AGENCY!
    They need our help financially, so dig in if you can. for more info on how to help.

    1. Which is worse, him being president or the appointments he is making to actually run the government. We are doomed.

  12. Marilyn, since you work as a journalist, I have a question. Since they have proven that the election was definitely hacked, what is the buzz about it?

  13. I'm not a journalist, just an opinion writer. All I know is there should be outrage going on by our Congress, yet you hear very little mention. I did see the Director of the NSA spoke about the hack by Russia and others. That's highly unusual for NSA to speak openly. As a former NSA employee, I can only surmise they are addressing this deplorable act.

  14. Do you all really drink this liberal cool aide?

    1. If being outraged by email accounts in America being hacked by the Russians and influencing our election is liberal Kool-aide, then yes, I'm drunk as hell.
